Saturday, 11 March 2017


Dear All,

You probably know me from the YouTube Channel Ruby Granger and if not, well I am glad that there are other ways of me spreading news of this blog.

I recently started up a small blog on Wordpress; however, Blogger has worked better for me in the past and I really do just prefer it as a platform. I have run four separate blogs over the years and each one has fallen as rapidly as Jay Gatsby in Chapter 7... with luck, this one will not meet a similar fate. I am not entirely sure what I will be posting -- I do rather enjoy writing so perhaps I can simply use it to talk with you informally; however, it may also be a source of book reviews, study printables and extra Hermione tips (plus any suggestions that you may have!).

I should probably start with a brief introduction since I believe that this is customary. My name is Ruby and I am currently 16 years old. If I'm completely honest, this sounds much too old for my liking -- I cannot believe that in just under a year and a half I will be off studying at university! My dream is to attend Oxford University and study English Literature and Language -- a dream which has persisted since the age of twelve when I saw that it was ranked #1 in the world for the subject. From this, you may be able to guess that I am pretty much obsessed with English. Not only do I love to read but I also value the sounds of the words themselves and marvell (misspelt on purpose for all those poetry fans out there!) at the elongated vowels and staccato consonants which mirror the moods of their own poems. Perhaps I will dedicate an entire blog post to my favourite words at some point...

I also adore philosophy and, for about a year, I was convinced that I wanted to study this at university instead; however, following last year's productive summer of reading, I realised that books were my real passion and that I would undoubtedly enjoy dedicating three years of my life to studying them! Unsurprisingly, I am studying English Literature at A Level, alongside Philosophy & Ethics, Spanish and Chemistry. I like to think that I chose a good range of subjects. At GCSE, I adored each and every one of my lessons and did not wish to give any up any of them and choosing an academic subject (chemistry) somewhat softened the emotional blow of dropping maths, biology and geography.

You should also know that I am fanatic about studying and spent hours upon hours engaged in schoolwork every night. On my YouTube channel, I have posted a few 'Study With Me' videos -- the most hardcore of which is my 14 hour study day from the Christmas Holidays. Take a look and tell me what you think!

Speaking of studying, I have a beckoning Spanish Blog to be writing which I have been looking forward to all morning. I apologise for my departure but stay tuned for more posts and let me know what kinds of things you would like to see on here.

Have A Productive Week!


  1. I love your videos and I look forward to reading this blog! You're really an inspiration, Ruby; keep up the good work you do!

  2. I'm so excited for this blog! Your videos really encourage me to achieve to the highest of my ability. I look forward to future posts.

  3. We always get see you writing in your videos (for various homework assignments and essays, etc), but I think it will be nice to get to actually get to read some of your writing through this! Your videos are great and will no doubt help me as even more than usual now, as I've just signed up for an online course for AP US History (APUSH) Gahhhhh!! I really hope you do make that list of your favorite words, by the way! Lately I have really loved the sound and meaning of the word 'mellifluous' ah sighh
